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Menache’s Bar & Grill

Menache’s Bar & Grill

Menache’s Bar & Grill

My good friend Scott Keith and I knew each other from college and from living at the co-op at UC Berkeley. We decided to buy a little cheese steak shop with a liquor license off campus and open up a bar.

It was a bit crazy, but we jumped in with both feet. We worked hard for a month to get the place ready. We had put in a pool table, a jukebox, and a stage for live music.

We had been discussing how cool it would be to open a bar and grill where we could actually have live music, and now our dream was finally a reality. We had worked hard to make sure the place was inviting and comfortable. The walls were painted a warm yellow, and the furniture was comfortable and inviting.

We had also put in a full kitchen, so we could serve up delicious food to our customers. We had a wide selection of beers, wines, and spirits, as well as a variety of non-alcoholic drinks.

The first night was a success. The place was packed with people, and the music was great. Everyone seemed to be having a great time.

We continued to work hard to make sure our business was successful. We added more live music, and we even started hosting jazz and blues nights as well as other themed events pretty frequently. The bar and grill quickly became a popular spot in Berkeley.

We were very proud of what we had accomplished. We had taken a dream and made it a reality. We had created a place where people could come to relax, have a good time, and enjoy some delicious food and drinks. We had created a place that was truly our own.

Eventually, we got tired of the daily grind and sold the bar for a little bit more than we had paid for it and moved on to other things. Scott and I are dear friends to this day.