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AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Click to validate via Credly

Issued by Amazon Web Services Training and Certification

Earners of this certification have a fundamental understanding of IT services and their uses in the AWS Cloud.

They demonstrated cloud fluency and foundational AWS knowledge. Badge owners are able to identify essential AWS services necessary to set up AWS-focused projects.

A person who holds an AWS Cloud Practitioner certification has a firm grasp on:

  • The idea behind the AWS Cloud and its value proposition
  • AWS’s core services (including common use cases)
  • The global infrastructure of AWS
  • The architectural principles of AWS
  • AWS account management
  • Deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud
  • AWS security and compliance (including the shared responsibility model)
  • AWS pricing and billing
  • Using AWS documentation and finding technical assistance