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Nextcloud Servers

Nextcloud is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services. We utilize a custom themed version of Nextcloud on EC2 for internal office and groupware applications.

Self hosted Nextcloud provides functionally similar to Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace with enhanced security by not relying on any commercial services for data storage, email, chat, geolocation, and WebRTC. Nextcloud Office is a suite of software that provides a secure, private, and self-hosted alternative to Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. It is a fork of the open source project OnlyOffice, and is available as a free download. It’s also a great way to collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.

Core Nextcloud apps that I rely on everyday include:

  • Nextcloud Talk
  • Nextcloud Files
  • Nextcloud News
  • Email : Rainloop with Sieve and Spamassassin
  • A web frontend for Postfix/Dovecot
  • Nextcloud Phonetrack
  • Nextcloud Contacts
  • Nextcloud Calendar
  • Collabora